How To Recover Google Account

Recover Google account with date of birth
As most of the customers would know that email is connected with Google account and this recover email address helps you to recover the account at time when you need to sign wit help if security questions. Google also work fine with smart phone so person can easily sign in through phones or tablet to use in effective way also they can be signed in multiple devices. There are various ways to recover the password of Google account like via alternate phone number, alternate email address and through date of birth. If you want to know how to perform Google account recovery date of birth.
How to do recovery through Date of birth ?
  • First step is to open Google account recovery page on the internet.
  • This will prompt user on the recovery page, then user have to type the mail address.
  • After filling the email address click on okay and then password recovery page will prompt.
  • Now user need to select on Forgot password link in order to perform the recovery procedure of Gmail.
  • Following page, the user will have to fill any last remembered password Google  account.
  • Then choose the date of creating the account.
  • After that choose the option through which user need to recover the account. Press the security question option and then Google will show you the list of questions you need to answer.
  • There will be option of date of birth as well. Fill the date of birth properly and click on okay once this is done user can now reset the password.
  • They have to enter the password twice and then click okay. Password will be soon reset
  • Also remember to build the password strong enough in order to make it more secure.
These were the following ways to recover the Google account recovery date of birth, if more information is required then log in to the website for more information or call to the customer care service, they  will try to resolve the issue in no time and take care of all your needs.


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